Let's turn your idea into reality

Want to open a coworking space? One for women, with childcare, for a certain niche?

Are you missing women, a female vibe, or a great atmosphere in your existing space?

You know it’s all about community – but you don’t know how to build it in a sustainable way within your space?


In abendlichen Workshops erfährst du Fachwissen von deinen Trainer*innen, kannst das Gelernte direkt praktisch umsetzen und erhältst ein Workbook, um dir das Wissen mit nach Hause zu nehmen und zu vertiefen.


Unsere regelmäßigen Follow-Ups finden digital statt, so dass du von überall aus teilnehmen kannst. Hier begleiten dich die jeweiligen Workshopleiter*innen auch weiterhin und beantworten dir deine Fragestellungen.


Die Macht der Körpersprache! Wir werden uns einen ganzen Samstag zusammen darauf konzentrieren, unser Auftreten kennenzulernen und lernen, wie wir authentisch auftreten und wirken können.

Frühstück & Accountability Group

An Montagen laden wir dich ein, zusammen mit der gesamten CoWomen Community zu frühstücken, dich gezielt und angeleitet über deine Fortschritte auszutauschen und mit Inspiration in die Woche zu starten.


Die renommierte Female Leadership Coach und Strategische Kommunikationsexpertin Janine Tychsen steht dir während des gesamten CoWomen-Circle “Women in Charge” als Programm-Guide zur Seite.

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Sara-Marie Wiechmann, Hannah Dahl & Kat Brendel

Founders, entrepreneurs, experts, consultants, speakers, trainers, …

We're here to help you make it happen

We’ve not only successfully launched Germany’s first women’s coworking space, but also consult those who wanted to open their own spaces or make their space more female. We support you with the following:

  • Creating a sustainable concept
  • Building & realizing your strategy
  • Writing or reviewing a business plan
  • Writing and training pitches and talks
  • Gathering research
  • Building & executing marketing and communication
  • Training your space and/or community manager
  • Sharing our expertise and experiences
  • Giving you access to our network
  • … and so much more!

Do you have what it takes to open your own space?

Answer this survey and receive a personal message & the possibility to have a call with us and see if you are ready to open your space!

Our partners so far:

We have worked with women who plan to open, opened, or are opening spaces in:

  • Poland
  • Innsbruck
  • Dublin
  • Heidelberg
  • Munich
  • Rosenheim
  • Berlin
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Let’s make business female together for a stronger economy & society!

About us & CoWomen

We are Sara-Marie Wiechmann & Hannah Dahl. In search of new working environments and role models, we founded CoWomen together with Kat Brendel: the first community club & coworking space for women in Germany. CoWomen’s vision is to create an inspiring place where women can come together to change the world of work, even the world.

Before founding CoWomen, we spent many years gaining experience in consulting institutions, process and project management, and leading teams.

What women want and need in the (working) world is our big driver in everyday life and communication.

Learn more