“We just started playing.”

Sara – June 2018

Time really flies. We realise that at the end of each day in our CoWomen space. Is it possible that the day ends, we have worked on one task after the other – hardly thinking about food or even breathing – and still there is a feeling of not having achieved anything? Our last energy fort he day is spent cleaning up the kitchen dishes and I get a memory of childhood days in my head: It feels like the time back in my childhood, when I ran over to my friends house to play first thing in the morning and was devastated when I was called home for dinner. Is the day really over, yet? We just started playing!

If you have exciting and fulfilling tasks, the day passes particularly fast. An interview with a fascinating student, talks about women in leadership and the future of work with coworkers in our space, reading a good article and posting it on our Facebook page, designing t-shirts, filling our workshop program with exciting content that strengthens women in their jobs… At the end of the day, we’re left with disappointment about stopping to do what you enjoy doing. And we are exhausted, but at the same time there is certainty that it was a good day.

The highlight of my week has clearly been the visit of a great role model: Brigitte Zypries visited us for coffee and exchange in our CoWomen Pop-Up. The former Minister of Justice and Economics is also the author of the manifesto “Strong Women, Strong Economy” and has been campaigning for women at work and female founders. A great honour and a visit that made it particularly difficult for me to hide my nervousness. Ms Zypries has listened to us. She was interested in our concept and gave us valuable input and feedback. Through meetings like these we learn again where we stand and where we are heading with CoWomen. And above all, we learn that we are not alone with the vision of more women at work and the creation of the perfect space for the everyday life of aspiring women.

We just started playing!