Do it anyway

The sideline pregnancy & how I did’t start sewing when I became a mother Hannah – April 2018 “How far along are you?” “What? With what? Where? Oh, right. I am not sure, week 27 or 28.” This is usually my answer to questions like this. To be honest, I don’t really know. I’d have […]

Not dying a wasted talent

“My greatest fear is to die a wasted talent.” – Alyssa Shelasky Sara – April 2018 I absolutely adore this statement as it transports so much power and self-confidence. I would love to state the same fear, but mine is probably more down-to-earth, more German. My greatest fear, I think, is to be economically dependent […]

Creating the perfect (work)day

Kat – April 2018 What would your perfect day look like if it was completely up to you? That’s the luxury question I got to ask myself at the beginning of February. I’d decided to leave my full-time job and go out on my own. Which was 110% the right decision for me, but I […]

Countdown: How it feels to found a business 600 km from home

Sara – April 2018 There is a countdown on our homepage now. A countdown to an event we have been looking forward to for a long time, and we are extremely excited about: The CoWomen Pop-Up launch! The day on which we are opening our doors and start the CoWomen legend. To all of us […]

Sometimes you just have to jump

Hannah – April 2018 It is really happening..! We will soon and finally open the first space. Without this great team, it could not have been possible! It’s been a bit more than a year now since we had the idea of opening a coworking space with flexible, private childcare. What’s happened since? Some changes […]

What CoWorking feels like

Sara – May 2018 Here we are. Our space on Bergstraße is open for business. What a huge step in CoWomen’s short history. A step I am very proud of and at the same time steps you work for when you work for your own business are only opening up new tasks and new goals […]

It’s all about the people

It’s all about the people Hannah – May 2018 Even the best preparation does not protect against unexpected events. In the end, it’s the people around you that help. Whether on site, at home, on the phone, on all other channels – what carried us through the time before the opening, were the people by […]

“We just started playing.”

“We just started playing.” Sara – June 2018 Time really flies. We realise that at the end of each day in our CoWomen space. Is it possible that the day ends, we have worked on one task after the other – hardly thinking about food or even breathing – and still there is a feeling […]

Having a baby… like an appointment at the dentist?

Having a baby… like an appointment at the dentist? Hannah – June 2018 Now we know it: The date on which our second son will be born. “Like an appointment at the dentist,” said my project manager from my employee life… my what? Employement? Yes, I have already spoken directly about a possible return to […]

Go get it, Girl

Kim – June 2018 Just a few weeks ago, I was browsing job portals looking for a job that would allow me to learn and grow. I was looking for something more challenging than my flexible life as a student is demanding at the moment. I really don’t want to complain about my studies, I love it, I just lack […]

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