Do it anyway

The sideline pregnancy & how I did’t start sewing when I became a mother Hannah – April 2018 “How far along are you?” “What? With what? Where? Oh, right. I am not sure, week 27 or 28.” This is usually my answer to questions like this. To be honest, I don’t really know. I’d have […]

Not dying a wasted talent

“My greatest fear is to die a wasted talent.” – Alyssa Shelasky Sara – April 2018 I absolutely adore this statement as it transports so much power and self-confidence. I would love to state the same fear, but mine is probably more down-to-earth, more German. My greatest fear, I think, is to be economically dependent […]

Having a baby… like an appointment at the dentist?

Having a baby… like an appointment at the dentist? Hannah – June 2018 Now we know it: The date on which our second son will be born. “Like an appointment at the dentist,” said my project manager from my employee life… my what? Employement? Yes, I have already spoken directly about a possible return to […]

Summer of Stories

Summer of stories Sara – August 2018 Thanks to my incredible team, I was able to take a few days off and get a real change of setting. Before I left, I was struggling to take in and process any new information since we have been learning and working so much over the past months. […]

Detoxing – the natural way

Digital detox the natural way? Hannah – September 2018 I love technology that supports everyday work more effectively. I sometimes get smiled at for my Blackberry when someone doesn’t know that Blackberry runs with the safest Android. I have a smartwatch, now the second one. I love my laptop and when I buy bags, I […]

Feminism is not for sale

Kat – September 2018 After almost four years away, I went back to the US for the first time a few weeks ago. It’s a little surreal walking down the same NYC streets as a visitor which you used to walk everyday to work. It’s also always interesting when you have moments to compare how […]

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