Creating the perfect (work)day

Kat – April 2018 What would your perfect day look like if it was completely up to you? That’s the luxury question I got to ask myself at the beginning of February. I’d decided to leave my full-time job and go out on my own. Which was 110% the right decision for me, but I […]

Why I think women should be the ones redefining leadership

Sara – October 2018 Why women? We get asked this a lot at CoWomen, and I have many answers. To discuss this topic, it’s necessary to generalize. So, just to be clear: We’re all individuals, and men can be feminine and feminists, and women aren’t feminine or feminists just based on the fact they’re women. However, a new rise […]

4 dos & don’ts of speaking at Web Summit and other large stages

Kat – November 2018 Whether it’s speaking just in front of a couple of people or thousands – sweaty palms, racing heart, forgetting what you wanted to say, we’ve all felt some level of nerves when speaking publicly. Recently we had the pleasure of attending Web Summit, one of the biggest tech conferences from around […]

“Tragen Sie Unterwäsche?”

Hannah – Dezember 2018 Am letzten Freitag, 30.11.2018, war ich beim ersten Selbstständigentag, den Freeliance organisiert hat. Olla sagte mir, dass ich doch unbedingt ein Thema für ein Barcamp vorschlagen sollte für all die anwesenden Frauen. Ich nannte es „Female Empowerment ohne Klischees – die besonderen Herausforderungen für Frauen und mögliche Lösungen.“ Worauf sind wir […]

Pursuing your career intuition, not a vision

Sometimes I feel like I am simultaneously the most confident and the most insecure person on the planet. I very much know myself and what I enjoy, and what works for me as an employee and student. But what I don’t know is what the expectations really are for me at this time. I can raise […]

The importance of knowing your worth as a freelancer

I started freelancing writing in 2017 to supplement my income. I was just about to graduate college and had accumulated a massive amount of student loan debt. To say I was feeling overwhelmed was an understatement! What I didn’t know then was how the decision to start freelancing would change my life.  My intention at first […]

Entrepreneurial burnout – what it is and how to avoid it

[:en]As creative entrepreneurs, it’s super important for us to keep the inspiration alive. We are surrounded by everyone’s highlight reel. We only see the glamorous parts of entrepreneurship. We see those pinterest-worthy home offices with faux fur rugs tossed around the white leather chairs in their never-been-messy homes. We see women who are meal-prepping their […]

Business coach Amy-Lynn Denham on self care, work & family

Hellooooo CoWomen! I’m so excited to get to share with you an interview with business/life coach, freelance copywriter, and blogger, Amy-Lynn Denham! I was motivated to pick her brain for an interview after reading how she is an entrepreneur with chronic pain, mental health concerns, all while being a mother. These complications required her to find […]

Personal branding: what it is and how to do it

What is a personal brand? Personally, I had no clue.  The most straightforward definition I’ve gotten is that it’s the way you personify your goals and values. Which seems simple enough in theory, but in execution, I have no idea where to start. So, I attended three different talks on branding, both personal and corporate, by attending Bjorn Welter’s talk […]

7 lessons I learned after starting a new career path

A few years ago I had a choice to make. To continue with the career path I started at the very beginning of my professional life in my twenties, or to change the direction and start my own dream project.   I picked the second option. I used to be a journalist, worked my way from […]

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